Home | OCR/RSA Courses | Microsoft Word Courses | Distance Learning

Microsoft Word Level 2

Students will learn intermediate Microsoft Word skills.

Course content

Lesson 1: Styles and outlines
Examining formatting
Creating styles
Modifying styles
Working with outlines
Lesson 2: Sections and columns
Creating and formatting sections
Working with columns
Lesson 3: Formatting tables
Table formatting basics
Borders and shading
Table data
Table styles
Lesson 4: Printing labels and envelopes
Lesson 5: Templates and building blocks
Template basics
Building blocks
Document properties
Lesson 6: Graphics
Creating diagrams
Using the Drawing tools
Formatting text graphically
Lesson 7: Managing document revisions
Tracking changes
Working with comments
Lesson 8: Web features
Web pages

Distance / home learning

We will email your learning materials and instructions to you. You will be assigned a personal tutor who you can contact if you need to while you complete your course. Further Details

Course duration

6-8 hours


Students who complete and submit the independent practice activities will be awarded the Act Course Completion Certificate (ACCC). There is no additional charge for this.

Is this the right course for you?

This level 2 training course is suitable for people with some experience of using Microsoft Word and who want to learn intermediate features, or for people who want to learn the most efficient ways of performing intermediate word processing tasks.

To complete the course, students will need to have access to Microsoft Word software. We do not supply the software.

Course price

The total cost of this course is £49.

This is the total amount you will pay. There is no administration fee, delivery fee, payment processing fee or certification fee and there is no VAT to add.


The easiest way to enrol is to click one of the links below. If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, please contact us and we'll send you our bank details.


After enrolling

Your enrollment will be processed by a person, not a computer. It may be the next working day before we contact you.